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Logo March 2015
Healing Power
Well it has been a great start to this year at Living Word.
I sensed from the beginning that it would be a pivotal year and had geared myself to be ready to go and do whatever the Lord said.

In January I was totally challenged afresh about healing as a part of Kingdom living.
I read and searched the scriptures. My conclusion was that healing was easy for Jesus and an integral part of His Kingdom ministry. Matthew 4:23-24 sets out the plan for Him.
I saw again as if it was new revelation that nothing prevented Jesus from healing anyone.
Only two things held Him back. Firstly if no none came and asked he could not heal. Secondly doubt or refusal to believe prevented it. Sin and unforgiveness, a blockage somewhere. Thoughts that Jesus did not want to heal everyone did not stop Him healing all who came. I saw again that we are walking in that same power because the Kingdom is in us. We are carrying the same power and the same life.

Carrying this in my spirit I prepared messages this year to help people to break through previous thinking and open up hearts to receive the truth of life in the Kingdom of God.
As I delivered these messages and prayed for people I saw a fresh flow of healing in people and have since received testimonies that are awesome and bring glory to God.

In Ireland it seemed like we ministered to half the church when the power of god moved.

A lady who had been in severe pain from sciatica was completely healed and the pain left her.
A man at the church for the first time who had a brain tumour and walked only with a Zimmer frame came forward for prayer. He was grateful as he went back to his seat although it looked like there was no change. However 2 days later a report came through that his Physiotherapist had called his doctor because she could not believe how well he was now walking. We believe for a full recovery.

Many others expressed a change in them and I expect more stories.

In Warminster UK we prayed for many responding including one person receiving Jesus for the first time.
A pregnant lady who was aching all over felt a heat go right through her.
Another lady with a bad back expressed after prayer that her back was healed and feeling great.
Another lady had pain in her foot and a growth. This is her praise report
“I got prayer on Sunday because I have had a sore left foot for months the bottom
of it was swollen and painful also a large lump on the side since being prayed
for the pain has gone and the swelling has gone down at the side”.

These are wonderful testimonies and all glory to God for them.

Additionally this year I have preached twice in our home church. The first in January was from Exodus and the Red Sea Crossing. with the title of “Stand still and move forward”. God is always on the move. I also recently preached on giving and the principal of the tithe.
I am excited about what the Lord has in store for this year. We are returning to Romania in May, hoping to be in the Philippines again in August and I am returning again to Eldoret in Kenya in December. i will keep you informed of how this all goes.

Every blessing
Tony Sheard
Arklow Ireland february 2015
Arklow Ireland February 2015
Living Word UK 2025   Company No. 4071518   Registered Charity No. 1094991
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