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Logo June 2014
Ministry on the Move
It is some time since my last newsletter so I want to make sure I update you on all that has been happening.

First I want to tell you about a great Sunday morning meeting in a church close to home, Warminster in Wiltshire. I was preaching Sunday morning at Foundation Christian Fellowship on the subject “It’s time to rise up” Unknown to me there were four people there for the first time who were not believers. At the end of my message I did a salvation call and all four came forward and accepted Jesus into their hearts. I then continued to minister to many others and saw healings and the power of God move in their lives.
Truly it was kingdom ministry on the move.

Following this meeting I attended Kenneth Copeland Ministries Europe chapel meeting and shared with the staff on the importance of core values in their daily work and in their lives. Everyone received it well.

For Julie and I one of the highlights of this period was when we went to Germany for a conference with our friends Matthias and Gabi Schmoecker. A Danish minister Jens Garnfeldt was conducting a revival meeting and they invited us to join them. Jens has been seeing revival for the last 8 months in a small town called Almhult in Sweden and is now extending the move of God believing it is time for revival in Europe. For us it was outstanding. Great faith preaching with signs following the word and people transformed.

We are standing with them for revival. Europe needs it.

April saw Julie and I once again in Brasov Romania to visit our pastors who we support. On this occasion I wanted to make sure we just spent time with both pastors, encouraging them and doing life with them. So often we go just to preach, which I did this time on 3 different meetings. However, it was important just to be with them, share and help wherever we could building into their lives and ministry. I know not many do that but I believe it gains respect and deepens relationships. It is about doing life together as well as doing ministry together.
In a few days time the main pastors we support, Ovi and Carmen Starlici and their three children are flying over to spend a weeks holiday with us. It is their first time in England so we are excited for them that we have been able to arrange this break. Pray for us that all goes well.

I also want to share something that really impacted me at the FCF Europe conference in Lincoln in May. One of the speakers, Gail Buse was sharing that the Lord showed her that her ministry life up to that point had been given birth to in the Spirit by her years ago. He then told her it was important now to give birth to the next phase. It really witnessed to me because I have been preparing myself all year for the next phase of this ministry and this has encouraged me to press in and give birth to it in the Spirit. I am doing this and I am ready and getting ready.

In two weeks time I shall be in Lorach Germany to speak at a KCM Connect meeting. I am preparing my heart for the Lord to move in kingdom power. That is followed by a visit to Copenhagen to attend a faith conference run by Jens Garnfeldt at KBC Copenhagen.
I will report back on these next time.
Tony Sheard
View of Suhl Germany. Place for the revival Meeting
Matthias and Gabi Schmoecker at Wartburg, Germany
Desk where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into German from Latin in 10 months
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