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Logo March 2014
Changing lives by the power of God
The room was small and basic. There was a bed with a mosquito net and a few drawers for clothes and a table with refreshments. The bathroom was even more so. There was a small toilet but with no lid and no flush. There was no sink just a large barrel of water and a scoop.Hot water was brought to us each morning at 6 am after the team had devotions from 4.30 am.

We were up in the mountains above Mindanao in the Philippines spending two days with Fra Neale at her 4 village outreach churches that she had built up over the last 10 years. It was an outreach of the Happy Church in Ozamiz city. A large church of well over a thousand people.

Julie and I were staying with Fra and this was the first part of our mission. It was different being in such a remote place of scattered villages and houses surrounded by hills and coconut palms. I was used to hotels on mission but this felt like the real thing. Over the next week we met many people. All of them were happy and friendly even though most of them lived in homes with even less than we had experienced.

I have to say this was a life changing time of ministry for us. On the first night up in the mountains we visited a new church in Alicia for a building dedication. Our ministry had given money to buy the land that this church now stood on so we felt a part of this new outreach. The church was packed that night as I was invited to conduct the building dedication using the example of Solomon’s temple. At the end there was an alter call and 40 people came forward and gave their lives to the Lord. What Fra thought would be a slow beginning in this new village changed immediately so they were able to start full services from the next Sunday.

Then there was a move of God at each of the other churches. Everywhere I preached it was followed by new birth, healing and the power of God moving especially in Simata, the largest church where 200 people attended. The services were full of joy and exuberant worship which was a real refreshing to us.

Filled with this experience we then came back down the mountain and I spent the next four days ministering at the main Happy Church. I taught local pastors, ministered on supernatural helps ministry to 200 workers and then taught 30 young people for 2 days in the bible school on the call of God, faith and kingdom ministry. It was an awesome time.

We were also able to spend quality time with Fra who is on her own out there and share things with her as fellow leaders.

On our way home we spent a day in Cebu with Alison Todd and her daughter Emily who run a Christian humanitarian organisation called Mercy in Action. We visited people affected by the recent typhoon and earthquake plus a group of 11 families from the slum area who had lost their homes in a fire only the day before. Julie was able to help with some Occupational Therapy for a young woman from Taclaban whose back had been broken when her house wall fell on her in the typhoon. It was an awesom privilege to help in such a small way and we knew we were only scratching the surface but MIA are doing great work out there.

So it was a powerful time and I have preached a few times since being home. It felt like there was a fresh fire for the kingdom on me. I feel it is time to move and believe God for more. He will fulfil our purpose to this generation if we submit and go do what He is telling us to do. I hope this letter has inspired you to go do more. I am ready are you?
Tony Sheard
Alicia church building
New converts at Alicia
Worshippers at Simata
Burnt out homes in Cebu
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