God of the breakthrough
As we come to the close of 2013 I want to share with you two powerful ministry trips in October and November, which have rapidly become the highlight of the year for Living Word UK.
The first was a mission trip to Romania, with a difference this time. Julie and I took a group of young people from our own church, together with the youth and young adults pastor Lloyd Katz, to Brasov. We conducted a series of outreaches to the kids and youth of gipsy churches we support in the villages around Brasov. This was the first time most of the young people had done this and they rose to the challenge despite the obvious language difficulty.
During the time there they did drama, gave testimony and preached messages of hope to the young people of the area with outstanding results. There was a tangible anointing every where we ministered. As a result over 35 kids gave their heart to Jesus. Many were visibly moved to tears as they felt the power of God moving in them and stayed worshipping Him for long periods. This had never happened before. Pastor Ovi told us that many of them came from difficult homes where their parents, seemingly religious, would row, fight and get drunk and this had hardened the hearts of the young people. To see them open to the Lord and worshipping was a major miracle for them. Additionally we saw some healed and set free. We also took part in a Sunday service where 3 churches came together in Halchiu and filled the local community hall. Lloyd and I both preached and ministered to the people. There was a good response and great atmosphere in the building.
This was followed by a mission trip to Eldoret, Kenya in November at the invitation of Bishop Daniel Muiruri. He oversees 40 churches in that part of Kenya including 7 in the very poor north of the country around Lodwar. My purpose there was to hold 2 days of leadership seminars for his pastors and leaders and then also hold two revival meetings and a major Sunday service at the home church. I really focused the seminars on practical things on the first day such as reaching potential, vision, strategy and developing church culture. I then continued the next day on Kingdom, servanthood, prayer and being yoked together for success.
I had never met these pastors before but there was a warmth in the way they received me. They were all challenged in their kingdom walk and I found out that they met together and many were repenting for the way they had gone about their church life. They immediately made plans for working on projects together for the following year, which was very encouraging.
The revival meetings in the evening were interesting with little light and cooler conditions in the corrugated iron church where we held the meetings. Nevertheless there was a good response and I ministered to many people both evenings. Sunday church was packed with about 150 people who responded powerfully to a message on Ezekiel’s dry bone passage.
I was struck by the faithfulness of this man of God and his wife Jane taking care of these churches. Not least because, despite having little, they were reaching out regularly to the 7 churches in the North where most people are constantly hungry as there is little food. They take maize and clothing to help them and give the gospel as they do. It seemed like a true kingdom joining and they all want me to return. We shall see what the Lord does next year.
So as we come to the end of another year of ministry for Living Word I want to thank you for your prayers and support. We really notice it when you are standing with us in all we do. Have a wonderful Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.
Tony Sheard
Tess O Hara giving her testimony
Young people worshipping God
Pastors and leaders in Kenya