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Logo December 2012
Power flows in Romania
It was the last night of the conference and miracle meeting. There were about 70 people crowded into a small church in Herman just outside of Brasov. An old pastor had stood up to give his testimony. As often happens in Romania he was very unassuming but recounting with much embellishment what had happened to him. The best I got from my translator was that at some point he had fallen off his horse and cart (the Gipsies have no cars so this is a common traffic accident) As a result he was still in much pain.

Then suddenly at the end he said quite simply that when I laid hands on him and prayed a heat shot down his body and healed him instantly. Wow what a good God we serve.
Another lady was born again and another healed from a similar accident. The whole meeting rejoiced and again it was an honour for me to be a part of Kingdom mission.

Our ministry has been supporting a pastor in Brasov now for 12 years. Ovi and his wife Carmen are now close friends and I realise the responsibility of encouraging them and speaking into their lives. If it was not for our ministry they would not be able to do what is in their heart for that part of Romania. Yet I rejoice because Ovi tells us that he is able to do more with what we send than his sister and brother in law who earn twice as much as we can send him. That is all glory to God for His provision.

To me this is an important part of the kingdom work we do. It has an apostolic feel and I know there is so much more to do.We have finally been able to lay the foundation for a new church building. The present church is bulging at the seams as more people come from the villages every week. We still need about 60,000 euro to put the building up. However, we are excited about what God is going to do. We got this far by faith and we will complete it the same way.

I am also encouraged by knowing Ovi has found a good pastor friend Florin Adam who is on the same wavelength and they are doing more together. I recently went to visit he and his wife in England at short notice because the pastor in the UK who was his main source of support had died from cancer. You could see that they were very uncertain what the future held. I did my best to encourage and build them up. I promised to be there for advice and support for the future. How I wished I had the ability from our ministry to take over his support so they could be at peace. Maybe someday that time will come. In the meantime I know we can pray and see God do miracles in their lives.

As we approach the Christmas season I hope these stories of real life will leave you challenged to do more for what really counts. I am gearing up in my heart to double up next year. I want to see the kingdom preached and demonstrated more than ever. I believe it will be a year of great grace on the body of Christ. However I do not think that is so we can just laze around and enjoy it. More than ever there is a work to do and the gracing is on us to do it. We must be about the Lord’s business.

Have a really great Christmas time

With much love
Tony Sheard
Romanian Pastor sharing his testimony
Tony and Ovi on the new church foundations
Tony Preaching at the miracle service
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