Out on the Mission Field
It’s been an exciting 2 months since my last news letter
At the end of August I had the honour of speaking in my home church, Bath City Church.
I chose to speak about “Setting your faith to work”. I have always felt that it is no good declaring you have faith if you do nothing with it. So I began explaining faith sown into us as a seed that has the capacity to grow. This combats the idea many have that they have small faith as they always compare it to a mustard seed.
I then went on to demonstrate how we set our faith to work by feeding it with the Word of God and then exercising it by declaring what we desire and believe for out of our mouths.
The congregation received it well and I had some great feedback.
During September Julie and I once again visited Ireland as I spoke at Arklow Community Church for Pastors Solomon and Tricia Aroboto. They have a great group of people working with them and numbers have grown since my last visit. Although Solomon is Nigerian he has really tapped into building community and relationships. They are having success in a number of areas and they were about to have a Super Sunday where they were hoping to impact the community again.
I spoke about “Making the kingdom visible” and used an example to show the difference that Jesus gave to the people to demonstrate the fulness of the kingdom. I incorporated it into last month’s article so you could check it out for yourself. There are a few shots of our time there including one of an old stately home called Powerscourt House that we visited on the Saturday. We received some wonderful hospitality from them and we were grateful. It makes a difference when you are out on the field so to speak.
Finally this month I responded to an unusual request to speak at a lunchtime meeting for the Christian Fellowship at Airbus Industries in Bristol.I shared with the men who attended on a similar theme to Ireland but making it relevant to their situations in the workplace. We had a good discussion about how they could share the gospel with those they worked with and I was told afterwards that it had been one of the best meetings they had from an outside speaker.
Thanks to Pete Edwards I was also treated to a view of the very last Concorde aircraft to fly. It is parked up near to where I had the meeting. The Lord is good. I remember the day Concorde crashed very well as I was circulating Paris on the day of the crash and saw the smoke, while I was returning from my first humanitarian trip to Romania.
Unfortunately the last aircraft is in a sorry state and will not fly again.
I am heading back to Romania on 25 October and before that will be conducting a workers training meeting in Slough for LWIC. Both should be fruitful times. Please continue to pray and I will report back in December.
Tony Sheard
Julie and I at Powerscourt