The Power of God Moves IN Pakistan
Dear Friends
I took four steps out of my hotel room in Quetta to find a security guard with a machine gun sat cross legged on the floor. Surprised, I carried on walking and passed another three such guards at intervals down the corridor. I realised they were there to guard some dignitary staying at the hotel in this dangerous part of Pakistan. It was a reminder of why I had kept a low profile and taken all meals in my room since being there as a westerner.
Yet I sensed the peace of God all over me. I laughed thinking that without realising it those men were protecting me also as I headed out to be taken to the meeting place for the Pastors seminars and miracle meetings close by. I was aware that many people were praying for the success of this meeting and I was prepared and ready in my heart.
What followed in the next two days I can only describe as the power of God on the move.
There were 400 pastors in the seminar eagerly awaiting to be encouraged by the word of God. I was speaking with Tahir Rafiq the country director of Great Joy in the City Ministries. Normally I shared the speaking with Dr Will Pantin but he had not been able to get a visa. However that did not hold the Word of the kingdom back for an instant and Tahir and I flowed together in both our seminar sessions so the people were blessed and built up. We received 98 new members into GJITCM Bond Servants of Christ Fellowship and ministered to all the pastors with the power of God demonstrated.
However the greatest outpouring of the love and power of God took place in the miracle meetings that followed the seminars each day. Brother Tahir and one day Sister Mehwish the women’s minister preached a strong message to build faith in people for healing and deliverance and this was followed by the three of us ministering to the people as we called them forward at the end.
This is an extract from the report we made of the power of God moving
“During ministry time, the presence of God was so tangible that people were crying, shivering and falling out under the power of God, Many received instant healings including a paralyzed man was healed and walked, a man with a paralyzed hand was healed, the demon possessed were released, a deaf man received his hearing, joint pains healed, chest pains and breathing problems healed and tumors disappeared, as well as other healings.
We give God all the praise for this mighty demonstration of the Kingdom of God on the Afghanistan border!”
It was such an honour to be a part of what God was doing in that part of the world. Yet it did not come as a shock to us. We expected it because we were reaching out with Kingdom strength and faith. All the glory goes to Him.
After the Quetta meetings I was then privileged to conduct the wedding ceremony for Tahir and his fiancé Arooj on the Saturday evening. Pakistani weddings are noisy and colourful with family of both sides exchanging gifts to signify family joining and that was before the ceremony. I made sure that the ceremony itself was personal and powerful as a Christian act in the midst of Pakistani tradition. I know it was significant for everyone experiencing it. Mind you it was not long before the music was switched up high so you could hardly think and many came up to present gifts to the couple. It was a good day.
Following that we flew back to Lahore the next day. The day after I spent time with the Lahore staff of GJITCM and did a seminar about working together as a team, which was well received. We had a great time together as a team and I have such faith in them to continue pressing into the favour of God as they reach out into that country.
As I sit here reflecting on the last week of ministry I can only thank God for how much He has used me over these last four years. I am not holding back but determined to go when he sends me. It has been a privilege to go to Pakistan. I love the people and sense the compassion of God for them whenever I am there.
Thank you for all your prayers, which has enabled me to be bold and stretch my faith to see the power of God moving.
Tony Sheard
Tony Ministering in Quetta
A paralysed man begins to walk
Quetta men overcome by the presence of God