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Logo February 2009
Get Ready for God to Move
Hi and welcome to the next edition of the Living Word UK Newsletter and the first for 2009.

During these early months of the year I have been doing a great deal of reading and praying for the year ahead, seeking out God’s heart for all that He wants to do and my part in it. I come away every time sensing a new excitement for this year even though global recession is all around us.
I have been led in these times apart to study the presence and power of God afresh and my hunger and thirst to walk in these areas in a greater depth is growing all the time. Additionally I have been reading books on revival and I am certain that we can expect more to come in the coming in the next few years. In fact, like a number of others I sense that only a great spiritual awakening is the answer for the world.

As I prepare for this year and add new invitations in my diary I am getting myself ready for God to move. I don’t know when that will be or if I will be a part of it but I sense that we all need to spend some time apart so we stay available for Him to use us if He calls. Personally I am in the process of negotiating mission trips to Pakistan, Russia, Romania and Hungary among others and I hope to be able to report back on these during the year. However, I am not restricting myself to just arranged invitations. I want to stay ready for whenever God says, “now, go and do this” or “just pray for that person” More than anything else I want to ensure, always that I draw near to the presence of God and don’t draw back as the Israelites did as they approached Mount Sinai.

I still have space for more invitations so please do pray and agree with me that we will receive new opportunities to speak in churches and conferences, especially around the UK.

I have included some photos of Russia and Nigeria this time from trips last year and late 2007 so you can see the places visited and hope to return to soon. Do check out the itinerary and the latest article which has just been posted on the website at http://www.livingworduk.org/inspiration/

Until next time stay blessed

Tony Sheard
Tony in Moscow
Russian Pastors in Moscow
Tony at House of Grace Lagos, Nigeria
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