New Life In Russia
We turned off the road onto a forest track. We only had a normal car so the going was tough. It had rained and there were deep water filled holes. Some were filled with smashed up bricks to assist a vehicle getting through. Eventually we made it to the rehab centre. It was a series of old buildings in the middle of fields full of old lupin plants and apple trees. We were there to have a service for the 10 or so people who were on the rehab program. At some point I preached from Ruth about choices that can change your destiny and then made an altar call. I did not know but there was one man who had only just begun the program. He came forward and I led him to the Lord with the help of my good friend Oleg Kunin. There was much rejoicing and it made the whole trip worthwhile.
I was in Russia around Tula and had been running a conference for a group of pastors.
We had been studying life balance and vision planning for the future and each church had teamed up to do practical work. It was a great time and everyone enjoyed being stretched to think differently about their future vision and growth.
I had also preached at the Tula church one evening and a drunk came in off the street. He boldly came to the front where I had been ministering to the people and began to ask for help. After chatting for a while we managed to lead him to the lord. The Tula church regularly get people like this and increasingly use the rehab centre to help them. They explained that many families have come to the Lord as a result of seeing the difference in their relatives. It was just an honour to be a part of what they do regularly week by week and it is not an easy task.
The week I spent in Russia really reflects the heart of this ministry. There is a breakthrough Kingdom heartbeat on us with the intention of winning souls and helping people and churches reach their full potential in Christ. The more I press in to this call the more I have a sense of a need to be prepared in my heart for what is to come.
Over this summer and early autumn I have been given the opportunity to quote for training potential leaders on a bible school helps ministry/events management program in the UK and I am working on that. I also have an opportunity to start coaching a young leader over this next year. Next week I am speaking in Slough for a workers team meeting at LWIC. Then on 28 October I travel to Ireland for a meeting in Arklow for pastor Solomon Arabota. My wife will be joining me so I am looking forward to ministering with her.
I will give you a report next time. In the meantime have a great autumn and thanks for praying for us
Tony Sheard
The man in light blue got born again
Worship at the rehab centre