Welcome to the new look Living Word UK Newsletter
This newsletter will appear every two months and supplement the article Tony writes every month. Take a look at his brand new December article here http://www.livingworduk.org/inspiration/
This newsletter will keep you updated with information about what is happening at Living Word UK and give you reports of some of the places Tony has visited and let you know what is happening here in the ministry.
As this is the first update for sometime there are quite a few meeting reports
Living Word International Conference Slough
In July Tony was one of the speakers at an annual conference in Slough. This year it was entitled “His Power and His Glory”. The meeting was wonderful and all the speakers expounded the theme with encouraging words for all. Tony spoke on “The Glory of God” on Saturday afternoon sharing the scriptures on the glory and afterwards praying for the fire of God’s glory to come on individuals to go out there and take the gospel to their communities. Around 300 responded and God moved mightily. Many thanks to Pastor Sesan and his wife and team for organising this event
Tony has also returned to Slough in early September and spoken at a leadership team evening. He enjoyed ministering into their lives and working together with them as they determine to become more effective in all they do.
Conference in Willenhall
Also in September Tony spoke at a weekend conference in Willenhall, Birmingham on the theme of helps or supportive ministry in the local church. Pastor Segun and Sola Ajayi are the pastors of Summit Bible Church and hosted the meeting. Tony ministered practically on a number of topics including the heart of helps, ushers and greeters, ministry hints and working to give the best welcome for visiting speakers. On the Sunday he preached on flourishing in the church and the miracle in the house. Many shared afterwards of the insights they had gained especially grasping that they also have a spiritual ministry and not just a job they do in the church.
FCF European Conference
In October Tony was one of the speakers at the FCF European Conference in Prenzlau, Germany hosted by Matthias and Gabi Schmoecker. The theme of the conference was Taking New Ground and that is just what we did. During the meetings the Holy Spirit moved powerfully in many lives. There was some awesome ministry and moving words of prophecy. Everyone left with fresh insight into taking bold new steps in their own communities to show people the glorious message of the kingdom.
Wedding in Romania
In November Tony and his wife Julie travelled to Romania where the ministry supports the work of Ovi and Carmen Starlici running a church in a predominantly Gipsy village near Brasov. however on this occasion they were guests at the wedding of Ovi's sister Florina and her new husband Dragos. The wedding took place in the Romanian Pentecostal Church in Brasov and was a new experience. It was followed by a 7 hour reception consisting of at least 5 different main courses complete with entertainment and party games. It is fun to see how a different culture celebrates two people coming together in marriage and was thoroughly enjoyable. You can see some of the pictures alongside the article.
Harvest International Church Caversham
At the end of November Tony spoke at a church in Caversham for hosts Gareth and Tracy Jenkins.
They have a great church which is growing. Tony's message centred on being a confident believer and expecting God to move on your behalf when you step out in Faith. People were much encouraged and some great testimonies were received after the service.
Thank you for reading this update. Do check out Tony’s itinerary and pray for the success of his meetings
We love you
Tony Sheard