Triumphant Always
The Word of God declares that He always leads us in triumph and I have experienced the truth of that over these last two months. We have come through a personal tragedy on learning of the untimely fatal accident of one of our close friends Rev Gary Devoe. We have also preached at a ground breaking conference in Brasov Romania. During the latter I stirred up opposition to the kingdom by challenging old traditions and methods. In all of it I proved “we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us”
I was on the platform in a Baptist church in Brasov when the presence of God fell. The meeting was historic because for the first time leaders and their wives from various denominations had gathered for that Saturday. Normally only the men in Romania go to leaders meetings. I had experienced a men only meeting the night before as I had challenged them to move from tradition to grace and kingdom thinking. I had been received surprisingly well even though some had a problem. That evening I had also challenged the men to sit with their wives on the Saturday rather than on opposite sides of the aisle as is the norm in Romania. There was a breakthrough as some did but for others tradition is hard to break. I spoke on the roles and demands of husbands and wives in ministry which was a timely message and well received.
As the Holy Spirit began to move in the meeting I went into the congregation to pray for a lady who clearly needed some help. As I prayed she fell out in the Spirit as did another lady and 2 men who were in the choir when I prayed for them. There was an immediate reaction as people gathered round them thinking they were dead. Many had never seen the Spirit move like that before. At least 25 ministers promptly walked out. It was like the book of Acts all over again.
I discovered afterwards that part of the reason was because these people had fallen backwards as we are used to seeing. Romanian Pentecostal tradition says that you have to fall forwards for it to be God, otherwise it is of the devil. I did spend time explaining what had happened but traditional thinking once again showed me what I was there to break through. If nothing else it got those leaders talking. My friend pastor Ovi and his colleague pastor Florin had spent almost a year coming alongside them but knew it was time for some straight talking and I was the catalyst. After I came home they had a 5 hour meeting to discuss what I had shared and ministered and I understand that things are progressing. I realised that God had used me to bring order and I should expect more of it in the future. My prayer now is that I will get invited back so we can make some further progress. Still it shows that God is on the move and if we are willing to be used He will build His kingdom.
Looking back now it was an excellent time. I met many ministers and developed some great friendships. I believe there is more to come so keep watching this space.
As I mentioned earlier one of my great friends, Gary Devoe went home to be with the Lord in May after falling in a freak accident while ministering in Switzerland. I have many happy memories of him. Not least the last quality time we spent together on a long car journey from Bath to Liverpool discussing the move of the Holy Spirit and the demonstrated power of God. That was a real seed time for me to press through into what I have passion for now. This makes me even more determined to fulfill my purpose on the planet and double up to be more yielded to the Holy Spirit and press through to see people healed and focused on being all they can be in the kingdom. We shall miss him but know our lives have been much enriched because of him.
Thank you for your partnership in spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom
Tony Sheard
Pastors Ovi Starlici and Florin Adam who arranged the conference
Gary devoe ministering by the Spirit of God