What A Year
Dear Friends
Wow, its December and the year has flown by so quickly. I have travelled all over and taken the message of Living Word far and wide.
I wanted to start by saying an enormous thank you to all of you who subscribe to this newsletter, for your prayer support and financial support throughout the year. I am very aware that some places I go I feel safe because I know you are praying. It makes all the difference
As I review the year I am astounded at the places that the Lord has sent me. When I began this new season I had no idea of what I would be doing. Yet this year I have been to speak in the USA twice, Pakistan with my good friend Dr Will Pantin, Romania supporting pastors Ovi and Carmen Starlici, Stuttgart for an FCF conference, Russia with Oleg Kunin supported by my FCF colleague Gareth Jenkins and of course Ghana for a major conference there. I have such a passion to see the miracle working power of God at work, and I have certainly seen that this year.
In addition I have spoken in the UK in Reading and Slough a few times for Pastors Sesan And Dunni Emmanuel- Aina. I have been to Ireland for an FCF meeting and latterly to Wolverhampton assisting a friend who is moving to Canada and placing a leadership team in charge. I plan to help them with some strategic planning.
This last point reflects a new focus on the vision of Living Word. This last year I have had the pleasure of being coached by Ministry Coaching International and the effect has been so positive. It has helped to focus my vision as “helping people reach their full potential in Christ”. Recently I have also pushed through with a new initiative that I believe reflects something of the heart of what we do. I am now offering a support structure to pastors, coming alongside and helping them to achieve more. So far as I have begun the process of contacting pastors with an email brochure I know I have had a positive response. I expect to do some coaching myself as a result over this next year and more leadership teaching and strategy planning.
Next year I already have another visit planned to Pakistan in late January. I will be assisting Dr Will Pantin in Lahore for a Pastors conference. I will also be attending the wedding of Shahid Jeet one of his staff there, which I am very much looking forward to. I appreciate your continued prayers for Pakistan. There is still much to do helping the population recover from the floods and Christians do not get first preference. Also there is some heightened tension over a Christian woman who is being tried for blaspheming Allah so I will need to stay vigilant and strong in prayer as I go.
So thank you again for making this year memorable as we move forward and bring the kingdom of God in all its fulness to more and more churches and pastors.
Have a great and blessed Christmas and an exciting and prosperous New Year.
Tony Sheard