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Logo August 2010
Working Together
It has been an exciting time over the last 2 months. As I mentioned in June Julie and I spent 2 weeks in the USA and had a great time.
We started by flying to Seattle and boarded a ship for a weeks cruise to Alaska with our great friends Terry and Becky Roberts. During the cruise I attended a Logos training course and as a result upgraded my bible software package. However the highlights were seeing wonderful scenery, bald eagles, glaciers and whales. It makes you realise that God’s earth is truly a glorious place.

We followed this week by attending FCF’s family church conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
We enjoyed meeting up again with many ministry friends and had some good fellowship together.
I was one of the workshop speakers at the conference and taught on Supernatural Helps Ministry. The workshop was well attended and I felt it significantly helped to demonstrate to some new ministers the benefits of having a great helps ministry team in working together to fulfill the vision of the local church. Helps is one of the founding graces of FCF but its place has slipped in recent years. Hopefully, as my teaching goes out in the CD’s it will help restore that place for the future.

I really enjoyed teaching on this subject. It is one of the key parts that forms the module mix of Living Word as we work to help churches reach their full potential. It enables every member in the local church to be a vital part of the vision. I am always available to provide this seminar to any church and if you are interested you can follow this up with me through the website.

Our time away in June was followed by another powerful time with Living Word International Church at their annual conference in July, this year entitled “By My Spirit”.
I always enjoy visiting Slough and the congregation at LWIC. They provide some genuine hospitality and a real spirit of service that is a credit to them.

I have been speaking at the conference for some years now but also working with their leadership team assisting them in their journey as they head in the direction God has given them a vision for. It is an honour to partner with Sesan and Dunni in this and to have a role as they fulfill their potential in Christ. I know we have developed a real rapport with the leaders and the people and visiting is like going home. It is something I always strive for when working with churches. It is my aim to build lasting strategic relationships that add to the DNA of the church. They are a tremendous example of how that works and I am always grateful for the opportunity to enable that to continue. I will be with the leadership team again in October.

As I write this piece I am preparing for a major conference in Ghana for FCF at the beginning of September. It will be my first time there and I will be the main speaker. There is much to prepare as I get ready to speak about 20 times and lead an ordination service also. I will report back in October. In the meantime I would appreciate your prayer support as I get ready.

I cannot finish this newsletter without a mention of the terrible floods in Pakistan. I have been in touch with Tahir Rafiq the country Director of the organisation I travel with to Pakistan. The area where they are based around Lahore has not been directly affected by the flooding but I understand that many refugees are pouring into the area. Please pray for their safety and the long term rehabilitation of the country. Money and supplies are now moving in but help has been slow. I hope to get another report from Tahir shortly so I may be able to send you an update.

Finally don't forget that you can also now view this months article by going to the website at www.livingworduk.org/inspiration. I have been sharing some thoughts on the key core values of Living Word for the past months and this months subject is all about your purpose in Christ. Do make sure you have a look.

Thanks for all your prayers and support


Tony Sheard
An Alaska Glacier
Tony ministering in Slough
Worship at the Conference
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