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Logo February 2010
Kingdom Power in Pakistan
Suddenly all the power went out in the large tent seating almost 1000 pastors from all over the Gujranwala region. In that split second in total darkness as I was preaching and looking into nothing I had a decision to make. Would I let this distract me or would I trust the Holy Spirit and just carry on speaking even though I could not see my notes or my bible? I let go and allowed the Lord to lead me, opened my mouth and carried on preaching shouting at the top of my voice so everyone could still hear. In the following hour the power would cut out a further 5 times but it did not stop me. God’s Word went out and the people received.

As you can see I have just returned from some awesome meetings in Pakistan speaking alongside my good friend Dr Will Pantin for Great Joy In The City Ministries. The anointing and demonstration power of God is clearly on this ministry and it was a real honour to be a part. I sensed the anointing increase on my life during these seminars and I know there is a tangible joining in Spirit between us as we both seek and hunger after the Holy Spirit’s demonstration power operating consistently in our ministries. We ministered to 1600 pastors over 2 days in Gujranwala and then to 800 pastors over 2 days in Sheikhupura. I also spoke at the GJITCM church in Lahore on the Sunday on the subject of “Having Confidence in Christ”. I know the congregation were very blessed and received the Word deep in their spirits. It was also a privilege to share some things with Dr Will’s office staff as he implemented changes in the GJITCM office in Pakistan, appointing a country director and re-organising the office responsibilities. I believe his ministry is powerfully changing this nation of Pakistan. Our messages of encouragement and challenge to take the blessing and power of the Kingdom of God to the country will lead to eternal changes. There will be some great testimonies about what God will do when you trust him and step out believing He will do what He promises in His Word.

I return in April to Islamabad and I am already excited about seeing God move. Thank you for all your prayer support during this time. I know it makes a difference so don’t quit now.

This year has already been busy for Living Word as you can see. This time in Pakistan followed 2 weeks in the USA receiving the Word at the KCM Ministers Conference to expect God to move in signs and wonders. It witnessed to my heart because the Lord was already speaking to me about that and I am so hungry to see Him move in my life.

Following this time in Texas I flew to St Louis and spoke in four services over the weekend for Pastor Terry and Becky Roberts. I spoke on the supernatural flow of Helps Ministry at his request. Pastor Terry is in a season of reflecting on positioning the church for growth and working to involve his people in the process of change as he presses forward with 2 campuses. It was a blessing to visit and help his people to see the potential when they volunteer to get more involved in the life of the church.

Julie and i will be travelling to Romania in late March to visit Pastor Ovi Starlici and his wife and family. Living Word has long supported the work he is doing among the gypsy community in Halchiu, just outside Brasov. We are looking forward to catching up with them and spending time discussing his future plans. I believe this will be an importanty time so please pray for us as we go.

I shall report on this time and my next visit to Pakistan in my April newsletter. In the meantime i hope you enjoy the photos from this trip
Tony Sheard
The large tent full of pastors in Gujranwala
Praying for the Lahore church congregation
Preaching at the meeting in Sheikhupura
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