Christmas Greetings
A very merry Christmas to all of you. This is a great time of year as we remember our Saviour’s birth and share times together with family and friends.
The close of this year since my last newsletter has been an exciting one for me as I have ministered in a number of different locations.
KCM Bath
As you will know I have had a long association with Kenneth Copeland Ministries being on the trustee board for many years.
In October I ministered for KCM at a new venture for them of a Partners day for a group of people who have been struggling to get breakthrough in specific areas of their lives. We had a great day. I spoke on “ Let’s Get Some Understanding” in my first session, which everyone said really helped to get clarity on their situation. We prayed for everyone at the end and are expecting some good testimonies to follow.
Early November found me heading out to Budapest for a series of 3 meetings for Pastors Eva and Istvan Nagy.
I was transported to Serbia just south of Hungary for my first meeting. We received a warm welcome speaking in a local sports hall full of trophies. God showed up that afternoon and I prayed for everyone in the building. This was followed by a Saturday afternoon in Budapest at the central church. I preached on “the Presence and Power of God” and ministered freely afterwards with many people falling out in the spirit as the anointing was strong. We had a wonderful time of fellowship afterwards and some great food.
On Sunday we travelled to the south of Hungary to a town called Szeged and got a wonderful reception. I was also joined by a number of people who had been at the other meetings so there was a highly charged atmosphere. I spoke on “Having Confidence in Christ” and afterwards we confidently prayed for breakthrough in people’s lives. A number were healed and received a level of joy they had not experienced before. It was a joy indeed to see their faces as the Lord moved in their lives.
I have to say a big thank you to all those who took such good care of me while I was there.
I had a very good interpreter and marvellous hosts. We had such a good connection together and I very much enjoyed seeing Budapest close at hand for the first time. I had only passed the outskirts before in 2000 when I drove a transit van with aid for Romania through Hungary in a day so it was a blessing to stay and see it more leisurely.
Finally I have closed out the year with a first time visit to speak for Open Door Ministries in East Dulwich. This came through a connection at a ministers fellowship network with Hugh Osgood in Bromley. I was invited by James(Kawku) Duah their International Missions Director. It was a lively West African style atmosphere which I love. I preached on faith and it’s application on a daily basis. It was well received and fitted in with their theme of sowing and harvest for the year.
You will find my very latest article on the website by going to www.livingworduk.org/inspiration.
I already have a busy schedule planned for the early part of next year. I shall be in St Louis in January speaking for my good friend Terry Roberts. I have just been invited to Pakistan at the start of February for a big pastors conference with Dr Will Pantin. I may be in Nigeria in March, possibly Pakistan again in April and Stuttgart and Russia in May.
As the schedule increases and the Lord is calling me much more into the Missions field I am conscious of the necessity for prayer and believing God for the finances for these ventures. If you wish to send any support for the work then it will be gratefully received as you partner with all we are doing. You can find the way to do this by checking out the appropriate section of our website. However most of all I value you joining with us in prayer that we will fulfill the calling that God has placed on this ministry and together we will touch peoples lives and change destinies throughout the world.
I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and stay expectant for the new year ahead. I believe God is ready to do some outstanding things so watch out. You may have a major role to play.
Many Blessings
Tony Sheard
Eva, Istvan and friends in serbia