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Logo August 2009
God is Good
Over the last 2 months it has been a real privilege to travel to 3 different parts of the UK and Ireland and witness the goodness of God as I have ministered the Word and prayed for many people for a variety of things. I hope this newsletter will catch just a flavour of those meetings.

At the end of June I visited Arklow in Southern Ireland on behalf of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. It was a pleasure to meet Solomon and Trisha Aroboto and the members of their multi ethnic church in the middle of a very traditional Irish community.
They have pioneered this charismatic faith church over the last few years and they are beginning to have a real influence in the local area.
Solomon also has churches in Nigeria and so we had much to discuss from my time in Lagos.
I was also introduced to a typical Irish ministry pattern where most people come to you privately after the service has ended. So what felt like very little response to my ministry call changed into a great time praying for many personal issues in these dear peoples lives for quite some time. Apparently this was a sign that they liked the preaching!
You can see some photos from my time there including a traditional Celtic Church heritage centre that I visited with Solomon before flying home late Sunday night. We became very good friends and I am certain I shall return again.

The middle of July found me crossing the new Severn bridge to visit my good friends Michael and Carol Taplin and Faith Christian Centre in Newport, Wales
They have a fast growing church of all ages and wonderful worship.
I preached on Learning from The Holy Spirit, something that has engaged my heart much recently. It was very well received and we had a good time of ministry at the end
The Lord is leading me to develop this theme and I am currently studying further about the holiness of God as a key to moving in his power.

The week after I was again a guest speaker at Living Word Internationals annual conference in Slough. This year with a theme of Strength to Strength. This church is really growing strong and in great new premises where all the seats are fast filling up. There is a great sense of celebration during this time with many guest spots highlighting the talent of singers and performers alike.
This year I ministered on the theme of Breaking Forth in Laughter and Joy. God was good and gave me a number of examples to share where laughter and joy build strength into our lives that is deeper and more lasting. We had a joyful time of ministry and worship at the end.
I believe everyone was encouraged and strengthened from all the speakers and there was a sense of orchestration by the Holy Spirit as each one brought their perspective on the overall theme. I return there in October for a leaders meeting and I am so excited at what God is doing.

I am now entering a quieter period over the remainder of the summer unless further invitations come in. I am using this time to catch up on reading and making a start writing my first book. Please pray with me over this as I find starting is the difficult part.

Tony Sheard
Solomon and Trisha Araboto
Arklow Church
Celtic Church heritage centre
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