The Spirit Moves in Russia
Dear Friends
This month I have just returned from a great time away in Russia. The tour included a conference which I organised with my good friend Oleg Kunin for his pastors network in Moscow. This was followed by returning again for a Sunday morning service for one of his pastors at Tula Christian Centre in Tula some 100 miles south of Moscow. The theme of the conference was “The Presence and Power of God” and you can view a summary of one of the sessions I preached by taking a look at this months article. Go to http:/www.livingworduk.org/insapiration.
The conference was held at a Catholic Retreat Centre just outside Moscow. There were almost 50 pastors, leaders and helpers in attendance. I was joined in the preaching by a ministry colleague from Cork in Ireland, Barry Cunningham. He is a pastor and a minister with Faith Christian Fellowship who supported us financially with this mission. The Compassion arm of Living Word UK also paid for half of the accommodation and meals for the attendees.
Barry concentrated on sessions on the Power of God and I covered the Presence of God an aspect on which the Lord has really been sharing with me deeply in recent months. We also included 3 sessions on practical ministry, Barry speaking on the importance of Faithfulness and I did sessions on the Call of God and Developing Church Culture.
All the sessions were well received and people responded deeply to the move of God in their lives as they received from the heart of God. Even though all the sessions had to be translated there was no barrier in the Spirit as so many were prayed for and encouraged in their daily walk with God. Russia is not an easy place to be a Christian and these precious people enjoyed the time apart to worship, pray, hear the Word of God and fellowship together in a tranquil setting, so different to their everyday experience.
We are hoping to make this a regular time together as we continue to build relationships with the network over there and we value your support in the work we are doing.
It was a pleasure to be back in Tula and have the opportunity to minister again at Tula Christian Centre. Their worship and energy is always a joy to see. I spoke on The Spirit of Faith and many came forward for prayer at the end responding to the word and determined to be bolder in their spiritual walk. A group in Moscow have been trying to turn the city away from the church claiming them to be a sect and describing them as the most dangerous and fast growing church in the area. They are rejoicing. I wonder if you could say the same thing about your church?
Tula is one of the hero cities of Russia and is famous for the manufacture of weapons of all kinds. Whilst we were there we visited their magnificent if somewhat disconcerting weapons museum. We also spent a pleasant afternoon relaxing walking through the trees and meadows on the Tolstoy estate, where the great writer lived, worked and is buried. As it was a Friday, a traditional day for weddings in Russia, the area was packed with many bridal parties having celebrations and photos taken in the beautiful setting of the place.
This was my second visit to Russia and I am slowly getting a fuller picture of life there thanks mainly to constant questions of my host. This year we stayed in an apartment in Tula with a South African missionary couple, Judy and Gertjan Pellebor giving us a chance to hear about their work in breaking through with some of the people in the city, many traditionally suspicious of foreigners, with the gospel of Christ.
Life in Russia is tough for the majority of people. There are some who are extraordinarily well off, often as a result of exploitation and Mafia or mob connections. However unless employed by European companies many do not get paid in their employment for months at a time and have to somehow get by. Corruption is rife in many of the basic public services including politicians, health care, education and public works especially highways. Russia is notorious for bad roads and my view as I travelled for several hours one day on public transport was that these have deteriorated since my last visit. The country is rich in many resources with wonderful countryside that would produce abundantly if cultivated. The only problem is that the authorities do not seem organised to do so and benefit everyone. As a result there are vast areas remaining untouched probably in the hands of a favoured few.
The country needs much prayer as many things happening are a legacy of their history. I distinctly felt that like many places they desperately needed to hear about Jesus and allow Him to change their thinking. You sense that only a powerful move of God will have an impact on their crumbling culture. One thing is certain you can see the difference on the faces and in the lives of those who have responded to Christ and it is a privilege to speak into their lives and work with them even if it is for such a short time.
Thank you for your support and prayers as we continue to reach out as a ministry to some of these parts of the world where it is not always easy to travel to but the rewards in changed lives make it worth while.
Be blessed
Tony Sheard
Leaders at the Moscow Conference
Tony and Barry praying for people at the Conference