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Logo April 2009
Great Joy in Pakistan
Dear Friends

I sat in the airport at Lahore waiting for my plane back to the UK following my trip to join Dr Will Pantin and Great Joy in the City Ministries(GJITCM) with much praise and thanks for what had taken place in Pakistan over the last week. My first thought was that I must report back to thank you for all your prayer and financial support that made this trip outstanding. So I hope you enjoy this report

The ministry in Karachi was twofold. GJITCM conducted a 2 day pastors conference to which at least 300 pastors attended. Some of them already had links with the ministry through a ministerial fellowship called Bond Servants of Christ. This was started by Dr Will in 2004. At least another 166 members signed up at the meetings and there are likely to be about 3850 members in total later this year.
Dr Will taught them about the blessing. He asked me to teach them about finances and prosperity as they needed to grasp the importance of tithes and offerings in their congregation looking to God directly for the answer as they had a tendency to rely on GJITCM if they were in difficulties. My sessions went well and I believe the pastors really received.
The other part of this time was to conduct 2 evening evangelistic outreaches. These were held in the main part of the town in a tented off street right next to a Hindu temple. I have to say the first night I have never known such a sense of spiritual opposition in speaking as I took up the offering. Nevertheless despite drummings and distractions Dr Will preached a powerful sermon on everything is possible if you believe. At the end at least 500 people stood up and gave their lives to Christ out of a total of 700 in attendance. These included Muslims and Hindus. Dr Will then ministered healing and there were some powerful healings all over the venue.
The report came back to us that this had never happened before in that part of the city and there was certainly great joy. I felt it a privilege to be a part in these meetings

We flew to Lahore on Saturday which is the base for GJITCM in Pakistan. I was given the opportunity to speak on Palm Sunday at the GJITCM church in Lahore. There were about 150 people there and they were all praising God.
The church was in a part of Lahore where there was a “Christian Colony” or ghetto. It was a poor area but nevertheless there were many churches there and it was a safe place to be. As a result of my message about 5 people were born again and I prayed for healing with many others. They were all blessed and it was a great congregation to be a part of.
Dr Will has already spoken about me joining him again perhaps in India as we developed a good working relationship together.

Reading UK
On return from Pakistan I had the privilege of ministering on Easter day at the new home of Harvesters International Church in Reading. We had a great time and I ministered to many at the end after giving a powerful message to demonstrate that on this day everything changed forever as a result of the resurrection.

I am now preparing for a 3 day Pastors conference in Russia with Oleg Kunin at the beginning of June and will report back on this in the next newsletter. I do thank you for all your support. As we follow the Lord’s prompting to do more you may wish to help us financially on any of these projects. To do so you can make a donation by following the prompts on the site. We love you and appreciate all you are doing to promote the cause of the Kingdom

This month’s article is now available for viewing at www.livingworduk.org/inspiration.
It’s the second part of the series that started last month on Finish Your Race


Tony Sheard
Evangelistic Meeting Karachi
Pastors Conference Karachi
Tony preaching at the GJITCM church in Lahore
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