God's Indescribable Gift //
We all know the story of the Magi in Matthew 2:11 presenting gifts to Jesus. Gold, frankincense and Myrrh. All had great significance.
We all enjoy gifts at Christmas. A few years ago I saw a test on TV to see how many people could remember what gift they got last Christmas. Not many could remember.
Today let’s look at a gift that no one has forgotten.
In 2 Corinthians 9:15 we read of Jesus-
“ Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift”
Our Father God gave Jesus as a gift to the world 2000 years ago and Paul describes that gift as indescribable.
What would you say was an indescribable gift
Is it so beautiful you can’t describe it?
Does it bring so much emotion you will always treasure it?
Or did you care so little for it you can’t even bother to describe it? Maybe you have had that kind of gift.
Paul in this verse is looking to describe this gift of Jesus but he finds it impossible.
All the Christmas season we do our best to describe this gift. We sing carols about Him. We have nativity scenes. Poets and painters all try to describe Jesus as the gift of God’s love. However even the best fail and fall short. So why is he indescribable?
1 Because of His nature
Matthew 1:23 says He was born of a virgin. Now that is hard to describe as it does not fit in with our human knowledge.W are however, not talking of human knowledge and ability. With God all things are possible.
Isaiah calls Him Emmanuel, wonderful, counsellor, prince of peace, God with us.
Now that is hard to comprehend. God with us but in the flesh.
How do you describe God who has all knowledge when you are doing so with limited knowledge?
Sometime I think it is better to understand what we can and then just rest in wonder for all the rest as we do at Christmas time.
2 Because of His purpose in coming to Earth
Jesus did not drop in on us as a baby so we could all go Goo and Gah at Christmas.
The angels announced in Luke 2 that here was the saviour of the world. He was their as well as our creator coming to earth to save a fallen humanity who could not help itself. They could not understand fully what He was going to do. They just had to burst forth in joy. It was beyond their comprehension. The bible says it was a mystery hidden in God.
The devil did not understand it either until it became a reality when Jesus took every bit of sin we have and nailed it to the cross on our behalf.
3 Because of the grace by which Jesus was given
If you think about it almost every gift you give this Christmas is given because the recipient has some claim on you one way or another.
Even giving a gift to the poor or homeless is because deep down we feel we have a debt to humanity.
However, in the case of God’s gift He does not owe us anything.
Romans 5 says that God gave Jesus even when we were in sin and enemies of God. His gift is not given out of obligation but out of His love for us. That is the gift of His grace to us. There are no words adequate to describe God’s gift of grace toward us that is in Jesus.
4 because of His effect on us.
When you receive all your gifts at Christmas how much will it make your life different?
You may have got something useful to make life easier but for the most part we remain the same.
It is not the same with Jesus. The bible tells us that when we receive Him we will never be the same again because of how it effects our life.
Our sins are forgiven
That may seem elementary but it is so profound and indescribable we are amazed that it has happened.
Then God goes and forgets them as well.
I am adopted into His family
My citizenship is changed. I become a part of the mighty kingdom of God and heaven is my home
I receive the gift of the Holy Spirit in me.
I receive the peace of God
It is a peace that enables me to cope with everyday situations that I face.
So the list goes on and on beyond our description.
All we can do this Christmas is to fall on our knees and thank God for His indescribable gift.