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Victory: Strengthened with Might //

Today we continue with our series on walking in victory on a daily basis. Last time we looked at David and how he strengthened himself in the midst of terrible circumstances. This time I want to go further and consider what we can do to walk in that strength that assures us of victory and enables us not to cave in when adverse circumstances hit us.

First lets look at Ephesians 3:16
“That He would grant you according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man”

God has unlimited resources to give us through His holy Spirit.
That brings strength to us with might.
That word “might” can be described in this passage as “God’s ability to accomplish anything”
Think about that. You possess God’s ability to accomplish anything in you because as verse 17 says Christ dwells in us.

That is why it is possible to get strength in the middle of the worst time. You have it anyway on the inside of you and so you can develop strategies to call on that can bring it to the surface when you need it.
That strength will accomplish whatever you need. So you can pick yourself up and go for it.

The major question then is how do I do that. What can I do?
That is a good question and we cannot ignore it. It is not enough to just say “pick yourself up” In many ways that can be difficult with what you may be facing. So we have to consider some key things we can do that will help with that process.

Remember God is your source. God is your victory.

1 Remember who Jesus is and what he has already done in you.

John 20:31 reminds us ‘that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God and that believing you may have life in His name”
He is the Christ. Your saviour and he has rescued you.

Here are some other snippets to think on.

He is the son of God.He is the King of kings. He is risen. He has paid the price. He has defeated sin. He has given you the way to heaven and victory, healing and deliverance. He is comfort and help. He has sent the Holy Spirit as your helper. He is the bread of life. He is kind and generous. He is “I am” to you. He am everything you need. He is your friend. He is able. He has the power. He will forgive. He will set you free. He is a very present help in time of trouble.

More than anything else He loves you.
He is the fourth man in the lions den, fighting and working for you. He is for you so who can be against you.

Remember even just those things when times get tough and you will not stay down for long

2 Remember who you are in Christ

I really believe this is a vitally important point for the body of Christ to grasp. So often we fail to recognise who we are and so lack the confidence in Christ that he wants for us.

There are so many scriptures to use that help us to recognise and meditate on this. Just think of a few.

You are created in His image. You are blessed. You are loved. You are saved. You are forgiven. You are chosen. You are a new creature in Christ. You are walking by faith. You are righteous. You are healed by His stripes. You are redeemed. You are delivered from the power of darkness. You are strong in the Lord. You are an overcomer and more than a conqueror.

We have to feed our spirit and mind with this on a daily basis. Then we are strengthened against every fiery dart of the enemy. This is what God says you are. So you agree with God.

Don’t agree with yourself, the devil, the circumstance, the sickness or the lack. Agree with what god says.

3 Remember who the devil is

So often the devil gets lifted up bigger than he is. He is not God. He is lost. He is evil.
However he has been defeated by Jesus and he is under your feet. So you have to put him there and make sure he stays that way.

Ultimately he has nothing in you but deception. He has an end and what is more he has no place in you.

Make sure you remember that and he will be defeated in your life.

Ultimately I believe if we begin to apply these three things on a daily basis we will have the victory in our life. If we are consistent we will walk in the strength and might of God.

Inspiration Archive //

Feb 2015 // Great Joy in the City »

Dec 2014 // The Light of His Presence »

Nov 2014 // How to be a Miracle »

Aug 2014 // It is time for Breakthrough »

Jul 2014 // Be Like Jesus »

May 2014 // Opportunity Knocks »

Apr 2014 // As He is-so are we »

Mar 2014 // Jesus cares about the One »

Feb 2014 // Going to the Other side »

Jan 2014 // Fear or Victory »

Dec 2013 // God's Indescribable Gift »

Nov 2013 // What holds us back »

Sep 2013 // Lifting the lid on your jam jar »

Aug 2013 // Full of the Word and Joy »

Jul 2013 // Be Full »

Jun 2013 // Victory: Strengthened with Might »

May 2013 // Victory: Making it a daily walk »

Apr 2013 // The Flow of Grace to Noah and Ruth »

Mar 2013 // The Flow of Grace In You »

Feb 2013 // What is your mind fixed on? »

Jan 2013 // Removing the Boundaries »

Dec 2012 // What is your eye resting on? »

Nov 2012 // Kingdom Priorities »

Oct 2012 // So you say you are a servant of Christ! »

Sep 2012 // Will you make the kingdom visible? »

Aug 2012 // Are You Operating in Kingdom Faith? »

Jul 2012 // The Fruit of Joy »

Jun 2012 // Life in the Dash »

May 2012 // Do you have the backbone? »

Apr 2012 // Spiritual attributes for your character »

Mar 2012 // Developing Godly Character-Dealing with the Rubbish part 2 »

Feb 2012 // Developing Godly Character. Dealing With The Rubbish-Part 1 »

Jan 2012 // Developing Godly Character »

Dec 2011 // Living A Life That Matters »

Nov 2011 // Chariots and the X Factor »

Oct 2011 // Understanding Kingdom Authority »

Sep 2011 // Do You Have a Plan for Your Dash? »

Aug 2011 // Run Your Race and Reach Your Destiny »

Jul 2011 // Becoming Christlike »

Jun 2011 // What Is Your Potential »

May 2011 // He was Healed before he was Healed »

Apr 2011 // She heard-She said-She felt-She told »

Mar 2011 // Making The Faith Connection »

Feb 2011 // Change Your Thinking »

Jan 2011 // You Are Programmed For Victory »

Dec 2010 // You Can Take the Land »

Nov 2010 // Yes There is A Rest For You »

Oct 2010 // Provision For YouTo Flourish »

Sep 2010 // Reach Your Potential »

Aug 2010 // Yes, You Do Have a Purpose in Life »

Jul 2010 // By My Spirit »

Jun 2010 // The Transforming Power of God »

May 2010 // Flourishing In The House »

Apr 2010 // Kingdom Peace »

Mar 2010 // Kingdom Righteousness »

Feb 2010 // Kingdom Power »

Jan 2010 // Rest From Your Work »

Dec 2009 // Our Position in Christ »

Nov 2009 // Our Inheritance In Christ »

Oct 2009 // Our Security In Christ »

Sep 2009 // The Joy OF The Lord »

Aug 2009 // Receiving and Acting on Faith »

Jul 2009 // Back to Basics on Faith »

Jun 2009 // Learning from the Holy Spirit »

May 2009 // Choices That Change Your Destiny »

Apr 2009 // Finish Your Race-Part 2 »

Mar 2009 // Finish Your Race-Part 1 »

Feb 2009 // Opportunities in Hard Times »

Jan 2009 // Yes He is Good »

Dec 2008 // Draw Near this Christmas »

Nov 2008 // Come with your Strength »

Oct 2008 // God starts with you »