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The Fruit of Joy //

The following article is an extract from a message given at Living Word International’s annual convention last week. I will report back on this next month but wanted you to get a feel for some of the teaching this month. The convention theme was unspeakable joy.

If we read Galatians 5:22 we are reminded that joy is a fruit of the Spirit. When we get born again we receive the Holy Spirit and He sows the seed of joy in our spirit.
The working of the Holy Spirit in you should produces fruit. That is one fruit with 9 attributes. Today we are talking about joy but this same thing applies to all the others. The big question is has that fruit come to the surface in you or has that not been your experience in life?
Fruit is the outward evidence of what the Holy Spirit has been able to produce in you.
Remember God wants to produce fruit in you in this case-- joy
There are scriptures that help to demonstrate this for example Luke 13:6-9 in the parable of the vineyard. The father comes expecting fruit and as the trees are not producing He is ready to cut them down. This is serious stuff. Yet we also see the mercy of God in action as the keeper(the Holy Spirit) asks for time to dig around and add fertiliser to see if fruit comes. I find this is encouraging. The Holy Spirit will do all he can do to produce fruit in you
There are some key things that will produce it
a) John 15:4 Jesus says unless we abide in him we cannot produce fruit. The amplified version says”vitallly united to me”. So we must daily rest in Christ and also allow Him to prune us as we begin to produce(or change). If you have heard a message or read the Word recently and gone”ouch that hurts” then rejoice because you are being pruned for fruit. 
I am a keen gardener and so I looked up pruning in one of my books. It says the purpose of pruning is to produce the maximum ornamental effect or the optimum yield of crop. So you had better be ready for it if you want to maximise your fruit
b)Yield to the Holy Spirit in us.The Holy Spirit wants to produce Godly character in us so we have to submit to Him.That requires obedience. Doing what the Father wants-ie kingdom thinking. It requires us to submit to the Word and do what it says by faith. Fruit is a sign of a changed life. Psalm 1:3 says God wants us planted by the river of water.The Holy Spirit is that water and we get refreshment in him
The nature of Joy that is produced in you
I want you to consider a grape(the seeded kind. it tastes better anyway). It consists of 2 parts
fleshy part on the outside 2) the seed on the inside. Lets take a look at this fruit and see what it consists of
1)Fleshy Outer Part-take a look at your grape-there are two things that the fleshy part does
a)Protection for the seed.  You may see this better if you imagine a coconut or a horse chestnut(conker for us English)Think of that the fruit produced in you is your protection. It is your attack mechanism against sin. It stops the devil getting at you. It safeguards your relationship with God. Just think the devil is trying to get to you but he comes against a solid wall of the Holy Spirit in you. It is the fruit you have produced. It will protect your mind and it will change your body so you are walking in health and vitality.
b)For others to enjoy as food or refreshment when they are hungry. You produce it and you can give what you have away. That is just what God intended. Genesis 12:2 . God says you are blessed to be a blessing. Think what Jesus did when people were hungry. He drew out of himself to feed people, both spiritually and naturally. The fruit of the Spirit we produce is there for the benefit of others. As we produce joy it should be attractive for those in the world. They should be able to see what you have that they are missing. Is that what your joy is like?
Hebrews 12 says Jesus endured the cross for the joy that was set before Him. That is how powerful joy is.I always saw that we being blessed and back in relationship with the Father was part of the joy that Jesus saw in the Spirit and it kept Him going through the agony of the cross.That is powerful
And that is what you have and what you are producing daily so don’t let it go.
2 The seed bearing part
Now first of all I want you to consider what  seed is.
It is in essence an embryo plant that contains all the elements it needs to grow into the plant that it represents when it is germinated. It is protected until it is given the right conditions for growth, light, temperature, moisture and oxygen.
Once you give it those conditions it will grow to the maximum of its potential provided it is uninterrupted by any outside source(like you pulling it up to check if it’s really growing). We see this  in Luke 13:18-19.The passage is referring to the kingdom. However we see that the seed has to be planted. You have to do something with the seed or it  produces nothing.
The seed of joy from the Holy Spirit had to be sown in your heart to produce. Your reborn spirit provides exactly the right conditions to produce the fruit in you
Genesis 1:11 is an important scripture for us to grab hold of. It says this “Then God said”let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind, whose seed is in itself””
This verse is the key to constant seedtime and harvest. The seed is within itself. In every seed is the DNA of another seed. If that was not so once that seed had produced it would be all over(what we call a hybrid(no seed)) A seedless grape was just made so you could eat it without the mess of seeds to dispose of but in reality it is not natural. It is not how God intended. Fruit should produce seed.That one seed has the potential to produce millions of grapes and therefore millions of seed. Year in year out. Without that life would cease. Jesus came to bring life and that more abundant. He sowed the seed of the Holy Spirit in you so you would produce.
If joy was sown in you but it was just for you with no seed  then you would have no way of passing it on to any one else.
The nature of joy in you has the potential to sow the things of the Spirit to others. That is how its passed on. That is what the blessing in you is for it will produce a harvest in others.
Why, because God’s very own DNA is in that seed and you are the carrier of it to the world. What a privilege-what an awesome responsiblity.
You may not have seen the seed sown in you come to fruit yet. It may seem like it is asleep on the inside of you. Well I believe the call has come. It is time for that sleeper to wake and begin to be everything that you were created to be in Him.

You possess the fruit. Now go and allow the world to taste and see that the Lord is good.

Inspiration Archive //

Feb 2015 // Great Joy in the City »

Dec 2014 // The Light of His Presence »

Nov 2014 // How to be a Miracle »

Aug 2014 // It is time for Breakthrough »

Jul 2014 // Be Like Jesus »

May 2014 // Opportunity Knocks »

Apr 2014 // As He is-so are we »

Mar 2014 // Jesus cares about the One »

Feb 2014 // Going to the Other side »

Jan 2014 // Fear or Victory »

Dec 2013 // God's Indescribable Gift »

Nov 2013 // What holds us back »

Sep 2013 // Lifting the lid on your jam jar »

Aug 2013 // Full of the Word and Joy »

Jul 2013 // Be Full »

Jun 2013 // Victory: Strengthened with Might »

May 2013 // Victory: Making it a daily walk »

Apr 2013 // The Flow of Grace to Noah and Ruth »

Mar 2013 // The Flow of Grace In You »

Feb 2013 // What is your mind fixed on? »

Jan 2013 // Removing the Boundaries »

Dec 2012 // What is your eye resting on? »

Nov 2012 // Kingdom Priorities »

Oct 2012 // So you say you are a servant of Christ! »

Sep 2012 // Will you make the kingdom visible? »

Aug 2012 // Are You Operating in Kingdom Faith? »

Jul 2012 // The Fruit of Joy »

Jun 2012 // Life in the Dash »

May 2012 // Do you have the backbone? »

Apr 2012 // Spiritual attributes for your character »

Mar 2012 // Developing Godly Character-Dealing with the Rubbish part 2 »

Feb 2012 // Developing Godly Character. Dealing With The Rubbish-Part 1 »

Jan 2012 // Developing Godly Character »

Dec 2011 // Living A Life That Matters »

Nov 2011 // Chariots and the X Factor »

Oct 2011 // Understanding Kingdom Authority »

Sep 2011 // Do You Have a Plan for Your Dash? »

Aug 2011 // Run Your Race and Reach Your Destiny »

Jul 2011 // Becoming Christlike »

Jun 2011 // What Is Your Potential »

May 2011 // He was Healed before he was Healed »

Apr 2011 // She heard-She said-She felt-She told »

Mar 2011 // Making The Faith Connection »

Feb 2011 // Change Your Thinking »

Jan 2011 // You Are Programmed For Victory »

Dec 2010 // You Can Take the Land »

Nov 2010 // Yes There is A Rest For You »

Oct 2010 // Provision For YouTo Flourish »

Sep 2010 // Reach Your Potential »

Aug 2010 // Yes, You Do Have a Purpose in Life »

Jul 2010 // By My Spirit »

Jun 2010 // The Transforming Power of God »

May 2010 // Flourishing In The House »

Apr 2010 // Kingdom Peace »

Mar 2010 // Kingdom Righteousness »

Feb 2010 // Kingdom Power »

Jan 2010 // Rest From Your Work »

Dec 2009 // Our Position in Christ »

Nov 2009 // Our Inheritance In Christ »

Oct 2009 // Our Security In Christ »

Sep 2009 // The Joy OF The Lord »

Aug 2009 // Receiving and Acting on Faith »

Jul 2009 // Back to Basics on Faith »

Jun 2009 // Learning from the Holy Spirit »

May 2009 // Choices That Change Your Destiny »

Apr 2009 // Finish Your Race-Part 2 »

Mar 2009 // Finish Your Race-Part 1 »

Feb 2009 // Opportunities in Hard Times »

Jan 2009 // Yes He is Good »

Dec 2008 // Draw Near this Christmas »

Nov 2008 // Come with your Strength »

Oct 2008 // God starts with you »