Do you have the backbone? //
Today as we conclude this series on Godly Character I want to remind us that character is a standard of authority we have in ourselves. That is a source of power and not limitation.
So let us take a look at some character attributes that will give us backbone in our Christian walk
1) Being bold and zealous of good works
Proverbs 28:1 says that the righteous are as bold as a lion
Titus 2:14 tells us we are redeemed so we can be zealous for good works.
The difficulty is not many Christians would regard themselves as bold and zealous. However Jesus is our supreme example. In John 2:13-19 the passage describes Jesus zealously overturning the tables of the moneychangers. I once read that old Jewish writings say that when He did this supernatural light actually flashed out of his eyes. Now I don’t know whether that is true but one thing is for sure it upset the Jews and they asked Him for a sign why He did that. In effect Jesus answers “kill me and I come back to life in 3 days” It is almost like he is boldly daring them to do it and showed them He was ready for it.
Jesus was gentle, yes. He was also bold and fearless. We have to become like Him. Being bold does not mean we have to be loud and brash. You can be a quiet person but still bold in your character.The Lord wants us to have this quality. Why?
Well, if we are to have an impact on this world for the kingdom we must step out of our natural selves. Lack of boldness comes ultimately from a fear in our heart and a lack of confidence to share who you are in Christ and what He has done for you.
It is time to make declarations of our boldness in Him and work to see a change within us. You can do it.
2) Faithful, just and steadfast
These words are familiar to us in the Christian world. The thing is, though they require a consistency and it is the lack of this that is creeping in to our Christian world.
For example steadfast means to be fixed, firmly with steadiness of mind, not fickle or wavering. Anyone recognise a problem here. It takes a lot to be steady in our mind and not vacillate and waver all the time. If we make this our aim we will notice a major change in our lives.
Just means to be rightly principled and impartial. We think, oh of course that is what we Christians would be. Yet only a few years ago I heard of a minister who bought a villa and an expensive car on the church credit card! We have to be more principled than that. If this has not been your highest priority then covenant with God again to make it so.
Can Jesus rely on you? Can the church rely on you and can your family rely on you? These character traits set us apart from the world and so we need to stop the rot and ensure they are built into our lives.
3) Obedient, upright and watchful
Obedience is a big issue today. It implies an inbuilt respect for authority and a willingness to do it. That is a challenge. Increasingly no one including the Christian world recognises and respects authority. So it is difficult to get obedience and a “yes I will do that” when things need to get done yet it is a character trait and quality God seeks highly.
Romans 16:17-19 gives us a good picture of the opposite ends of the spectrum. Divisiveness or obedience. Paul urges the people to avoid the former and press in to the latter. The encouragement is that if we build this into our lifestyle God himself will “crush Satan under your feet”
2 Corinthians 10:5 then tells us to bring every thought into the obedience of Christ. Now this does not mean Jesus wants you as a robot but it does mean we have to flow with heart, vision, DNA and the same Spirit that is in Him.
Being upright then acts as a good balance because that develops a moral soundness or purity in us. That is important because I have known many who can be upright or moral in speech but a terrible person to deal with in business and prepared to do any sort of deal to get their own way. We have to judge ourselves on this one and be consistent.
Then we are also to be watchful. Luke 12:35-40 applies that in being ready for the Lord’s return. It implies a vigilance and attentiveness. The same truth applies to many situations in life. For example we should be watchful over our children, our relationships and our language.
In Psalm 141:3 David cries out “set a guard O lord, over my mouth; Keep watch over the doors of my lips.
He recognised the importance of watching his speech because it had an impact on his life.
Overall much of this boils down to watching that you live a real, true Christian life in the midst of all the pressures that life will try to throw at you
At the end of this study perhaps our cry is “how do we do all these things?” Well, Isaiah 54:13 helps us as it reveals that we should ensure that we are “taught of the Lord”
If we determine to grow and develop consistently and constantly being taught by God we will get there. We can never feel we have arrived. There is always more to grow into. The thing is though if we set ourselves these things as a target we can be sure the Holy Spirit will be there to help us, encourage us and guide us. Then great will be the peace of our children and great will be our peace