What Is Your Potential //
Helping people reach their full potential in Christ is the heartbeat of this ministry. Recently I had an opportunity to speak on this theme at a conference so this months article forms an extract of that message. I hope you are blessed by it and helped in reaching your potential as you read.
About 2 years ago I began a leadership coaching course. The first part of which involved taking stock of my life, priorities and values. One of the first questions I was faced with really challenged me to search what was in my heart for me.
The question went like this:
“Imagine a life without boundaries. Imagine a life that allows you to live your dreams. What would you do in your life if money and time were no obstacle?”
I realised that it was an important question for me. I had recently moved from pastoring to an itinerant ministry. My vision and goals were in flux. I was trying to consider all kinds of ministry things and here was this question not only asking me to focus on ministry but the dream, heart and passion for my life.
It is also important for all of us because so many times stuff happens in our life that restricts us, sets us back and squashes our original hopes and dreams. We get to the place of settling for much less than God intended for us.
Many of us may even feel we should not ask that question. We feel we should do nothing, trust God and perhaps eventually we will get a bolt out of the blue or 10 prophecies and angels river dancing on the duvet so we will know. Here is some news. Life does not happen like that.
There is a great pointer for us in 2 Samuel 7:1-3. King David is musing about building a temple for God and Nathan tells him to do whatever is in his heart to do. Eventually God speaks to Nathan about what is in God’s heart for the potential in David’s life and tells him that Solomon will build the temple. Notice however that God does not chastise David for dreaming. David could trust his heart because he was a man after God’s own heart. We must do the same too. Who do you think put those dreams and hopes in you first anyway?
I love the passage in Psalm 139:13-17 which describes the process of how God expertly designs us to be who we are. We are not an accident. His DNA and his purpose for our lives was placed in us before we were born. We are unique. We have something to do on this planet that no one else can fulfil. That is an awesome thought. God states for us in Jeremiah 29:11. He has plans for us that will give us a hope and a future. It is time we began to believe that and let our hearts and our dreams flow with what He has placed in us.
The second half of Mark 10:27 provides us with a first key to our potential. It says” for with God all things are possible”
First it demonstrates to us that no dream is too big for God. Second it shows us that we have to be with God. It may seem obvious but our true potential is in Christ. Someone in the world may seem to have everything going for them. They may even be a major influence on the planet. However if they do not know God then they will not become what God truly purposed for them.
When you make that life choice for Christ it changes everything. Whatever may have been thwarted in your dreams has changed because His DNA kicks in to focus for the first time. Now you may not have seen it quite like that before but it is vital that you do. Neither does it mean that you should instantly give up your job and live by faith or go to bible school. It may be that you have already been pursuing some of the things He has planned for you and you will be able to step into a new dimension of that gifting in your life. Be certain of this though, being in Christ is just the start not the end.
In Hebrews 10:19-22 we catch a glimpse of the fulness of what God planned for us. Jesus through His death and resurrection made a way for us into the presence of God. That is through the veil. Getting you born again was not the ultimate goal of Christ. It was a way to get you to the Father. In fact it was the only way. He wants us to draw near and learn from Him. We cannot be in Christ and yet live like we are still in the world and reach our potential. Now that in itself is a challenge for us. Do we dare be honest with ourselves and enquire of God about those areas that we are still living like we used to? Then are we prepared to change when He shows us so we can become more like Him and reach out for our full potential? So the second key for us is that in Christ we have to be prepared to change and allow the Holy spirit to teach us and lead us to become all we can be in Him.
Watch out for next month’s article as I provide some more stepping stones on the way to reaching your potential.
In the meantime, happy dreaming.