Reach Your Potential //
This is the fourth in a series of articles that reflect the core heart and passion of everything we do at Living Word. Our mission is Helping people reach their full potential in Christ by the Power of God
This simple yet profound statement is accompanied by some core values or convictions which we hold dear highlighted by 5 key words. The value I am covering this month is
“ We believe that active and passionate leadership is essential to inspire and position people for growth to reach their full potential in Christ”
Potential. Everybody has it yet not everyone recognises it. Some may begin to see that they have a natural flair for sport or art or some other pursuit. Others cannot see anything about themselves that is worth anything. Whichever group you have a tendency to be a part of it will take determination and help to bring the best out in you.
That is the heart of this value this month. Leadership is so important. We may live in a society which does not respect it but good leadership especially for believers is so vital to help people reach their full potential. For that very reason it is a core value here and we have a passion to help leaders to be all they can and have every assistance to step out and help others. I myself have benefitted from expert mentoring and coaching. I have learned some of the leadership skills of great leaders and I enjoy passing those on and helping other leaders to fulfil their potential.
As I consider this subject I am mindful that there is so much in our bible that gives us a picture of just how much great leadership helps and inspires people to see and go for their potential.
I think of Paul in Philippians 3 urging his people to press on to the high calling in Christ.
I also have always been drawn to the situation of David in the book of Samuel. In 1 Samuel 16 David is a surprise choice to be anointed as king above all his brothers. Even Samuel was fooled by apparent appearance and physical stature while God was able to see the real potential in David and chose him. Not long after David proved God right when he defeated Goliath in battle because he put his trust in his covenant God rather than in the natural ability of man.
However as often is the way with leaders things are not always plain sailing and it was not long before David had to hide from Saul in the cave of Adullam. There everyone who was in distress, debt and discontented gathered around him (1 Samuel 22) It looked like a hopeless situation but anointed leadership was in David and it was not long before the real potential in those people came out. If you carry on reading you will see that David’s mighty men rose from that group and it was not long before others followed. A leader should be able to bring out potential. In fact he or she will fulfil their own potential while helping others to fulfil theirs.
We would all recognise Jesus as our greatest example and see how He recognised potential in the disciples when everyone else saw them as a bunch of fishermen and tax collectors. I could refer to numerous examples of how Jesus trained and mentored them. However there is also another example from Jesus ministry which has always inspired me and that is the story of Jesus’ encounter with the so called “mad man of Gadara” in Luke 8.
First Jesus risked his life and that of the disciples to get there, delivered the man from a host of demons then went straight back over the other side of the lake(demonstrating what he is prepared to do for just one person in distress) But we so easily forget the interchange between Jesus and the man once he is back in his right mind. The man naturally wants to drop everything and follow after Jesus but Jesus will not let him and tells him to stay where he is and instead pass on the great things God has done.
At first glance this may seem to be rather unfair of Jesus but I am certain Jesus saw something in him no one else did. No one knew about Jesus in those parts judging by the reaction of the crowd who turned up to see what all the commotion was about. I believe Jesus saw the potential of an evangelist in him and he was absolutely right. We know that because in Luke 8:39-40 that the man went out and did just that so when Jesus returned everyone welcomed him. Other gospels tell that people went round bringing sick people to be healed.
Leaders play a very important part in bringing the best out of people. Our heart is to ensure that they are as effective as they can be. If you are a leader and need help in this area do not hesitate to contact us we would be happy to work with you.