Our Position in Christ //
This month I want to conclude our mini series in Ephesians and consider the question of where we fit in the great scheme of things. In other words what is our position in all of this.
When we first get born again everything looks rosy but we soon begin to realise that this life in Christ is bigger than we ever imagined. So we start to figure out how it fits in with our personality, our hopes, dreams and our life experiences to date.
Paul in Ephesians 1 provides us with some valuable insights as he begins to pray in verse 15. In particular he asks for wisdom and revelation. He does not want us kept in the dark all our lives struggling to understand the truth. He therefore highlights two distinct things
1 What God did in Jesus
Paul takes us on a journey beginning in verse 19 that starts with God and what he did.
Some of us grew up thinking God was irrelevant or some baddy wielding a big stick against us. So he tells us that God worked mighty power against us. No, it doesn’t say that it says He worked that power in Christ. Anything He had against us he placed on Jesus in our place. Jesus took all our pain and shame and took it to the cross. Then God worked His power and raised Jesus from the dead leaving all that stuff in hell where it belonged.
Then He seated Jesus with Him above every other name-abuse-sickness-fear-you name it He is above it.
2 What God did in You
Ephesians 2 begins to describe the awesome change that God did in each one of us. It begins by telling us like it was. Take a look and see. Not that we need reminding. Isn’t it funny that deep down we all know what we are like without God.
Then in verse 4 comes this world changing history making statement
“BUT GOD”. Aren’t you glad about that. But God despite all these things made you alive together with Christ because of His great love for you
You were dead in sins-He made you alive-He did not wait until you sorted yourself out because that was impossible
He raised you up together to sit together with Him in heavenly places.
He does that because of His kindness to you.
Now that is an important connection for us. It tells us what our position is according to God. It is not under His feet. It is not under the devils feet. It is not a nobody only just getting by. It is not as a poor old sinner. It is not as an outcast of society.
You are sat WITH HIM in heavenly places.
You could not possibly ever work to earn that but it is a gift of God. He did it anyway.
As if to emphasise that verse 13 then says:
“BUT NOW in Christ Jesus you who were once far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ”
That is our position in Christ and the chapter goes on to say we have peace in Him, we are reconciled to Him, we have access to the Father, we are family and we are becoming the dwelling place of God.
So How Do We See Our Position
All of that was said to inspire you. However what difference does it make on an ongoing daily basis? How do you see yourself?
Over this series we have covered so much but this knowledge needs to cause us to live and act differently to what we maybe have done. We need to see ourselves as Christ sees us. We have to rise up as over-comers and live out what you know to be true about yourself. When you do people will start to see the difference and desire to have what you have.
It is time to catch hold of what we are carrying on the inside of us and reach for our potential.
You have an awesome position in Christ that has made a major difference to you. Live it, see it, meditate on it, rest in it and enjoy it daily. Then go and show someone who does not have that what a difference it can make for them.
Have a great Christmas.